Mimosa Diagnostics

Making the invisible visible


Medical Device


Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Changing healthcare isn't a daydream anymore... Our products promote inclusive and equitable healthcare, enabling patients from across the globe, in remote areas, with any color of skin to access the critical health care everyone deserves. Mimosa's mission is to deliver tissue health imaging technology to drive equity in healthcare.  This equitable approach will save limbs and lives through early detection of tissue compromise.
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The Opportunity

Your Opportunity Title

  • Overview

    The Overview of the position will be tailored to the information the Hiring Manager shares with us during Needs Analysis Profile meeting.

  • Responsibilities

    We will customize the Responsibilities section based on the information we receive from the hiring manager during the Needs Analysis Profile meeting.

  • Qualifications

    We will customize the Qualifications section based on the information we receive from the hiring manager during the Needs Analysis Profile meeting.


Building career-spanning relationships, from candidacy to organizational leadership, we provide access to the future of the Medtech and Pharma.